Saturday, October 17, 2015

Blog #3

     It is accurate to define critical thinking as a set of skills. Critical thinking takes thinking and evaluating to a more complex level, and helps us understand situations through several different perspectives.  In order for critical thinking to be successful, however, the set of skills must be used correctly. For example, when used incorrectly, the class ran into communication issues, and clashing opinions without reasoning.The discussion then became more focused on individual opinions and biases, rather than using our skills to break down the question. Using research and evidence to support our reasoning and using examples are essential skills, that eliminates bias. It was often difficult to have a bias-free mindset because the topic of college education personally impacts me, and the rest of the students in the class.  Using personal examples can be tricky because the event or situation impacted that individual in a certain way, usually resulting in a bias. Knowing that the topic directly impacted me, it was much more difficult to be open minded to the other perspectives, even if I was wrong. It was also be helpful if I challenged other people's opinions as well, to see who has better reasoning and which is more logical. This research taught me to be more patient, and to not jump to conclusions without having strong evidence first. I was able to successfully listen to other people's opinions, but need to take them more into consideration, Taking mind notes while others are stating their opinions, and attempting to pull away from my bias on the thought of free college tuition for everyone, will lead me into being a more successful critical thinker. My weaknesses relate to the explanation and self-regulating skills mentioned in the Facione article. When explaining, I need to ask myself where I got the information from, why I thought that way and how I came to my decision. When using the self-regulation skill, I need to ask myself if my stance is precise, if I have strong and accurate evidence, and most importantly, if I am missing anything., 


  1. Hi Alexa, I realized the same thing about using personal examples can get someone caught up in having a biased opinion. You did a great job explaining your weaknesses and i believe you opened my eyes up to another one of mine. I also need to ask myself questions before answering on topics to make sure I have trusted evidence and I'm not being biased.

  2. Hi Alexa! I agree with the fact that a person shouldn't jump into conclusions right away by giving their own opinions because critical thinking involves evaluating ideas and supporting facts with evidence before drawing conclusions. Great post!
