Saturday, August 29, 2015

“It always seems impossible until it’s done” (Nelson Mandela). A hero is someone who puts others before themselves. A thinking hero on the other hand, is someone who not only has a unique way of thinking, but also has the ability to act upon those thoughts. Nelson Mandela was a South African activist who recently passed away at the age of ninety-five.  He was an intellectual who always saw the bigger picture and managed to persevere in the face of adversity. He attended the University of Witwatersrand where he earned his law degree and connected with key individuals who would join him in his fight against inequality in South Africa. His mindset drove him to become a powerful leader of the ANC, the African National Congress. Nelson Mandela became a global advocate for human rights as he peacefully protested against the apartheid, a system where non-white citizens did not have equal rights. He thought that following the non-violent ways of Mohandas Gandhi would result in a more accepting community. Nelson Mandela was sent to prison for his protests and was released due to international pressure a grueling twenty-seven years later in the year of 1990. Finally in 1994, people of all colors had the opportunity to vote. Nelson Mandela ran in the South African Presidential election in 1994 and despite the odds, was victorious. Although hostility and hatred continues to persist in South Africa despite his efforts, he was able to prevent a major civil war.  As discussed in class, thinking critically is goal oriented, broken down into steps and focused. Nelson Mandela is the epitome of a critical thinker. Everything that he did from protesting, to running for office had an ending goal. Nelson Mandela’s years in jail served a bigger purpose, as he dedicated his entire life to the fight for equality. After being jailed twenty seven years he forgave those who jailed him and showed nothing but love and compassion. He gained civil rights for the majority of the people of South Africa by sacrificing his own freedom. Nelson Mandela is my thinking hero because he was a successful and persistent man who used his mind to better the lives of others. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Alexa! Awesome choice for a thinking hero! Nelson Mandela is definitely one of the most renowned humanitarians of all time. You are right; he had experienced a lot in his life, but he took his experiences to mold his ideals and morals. From there, took action and attempted many ways until he could finally reach his goal to better the lives of those being persecuted in such a corrupt society.
